Castle Hill Primary School


In our Nursery, the children learn through play. This allows child initiated, real time learning through play based activities, capturing the interest of the child at that moment. 

We focus on the prime areas of learning in Nursery. These focus on:

  • Communication and language development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development

We use questioning and further resources to allow the children to develop their play. The children also take part in four short carpet sessions each day. These cover a range of interactive activities and are planned to the children's development and interests. 

When ready the children move on to the specific areas of learning including reading, writing and number.



A day in Nursery

Children follow the same routine daily.

8:55am - Morning greeting

9:00am - Disco dough

9:10am - Continuous provision

11:15am - Phonics carpet

11:35am - Lunchtime routines (toileting routines)

11:40am - 12:40pm - Lunchtime

12:45pm - Afternoon greeting carpet activity

12:55pm - Continuous provision

2:50pm - Carpet sessions (Story/Rhymes)

3:10pm - Routines for home time

3:15pm - Home time

Children's Learning Journeys

During your child's time in nursery your child will have a learning journal. This is recorded on 2Evidence me and contains observations, specific achievements and group/individual work. This enables us to show you the progress your child has made and track their development. This journal is shared with parents on a regular basis. This allows you to see what your child has been up to each week and share it with your child at home.

Settling In

Before your child starts with us you will have the opportunity to attend stay and play sessions. This allows yourself and your child to familarise yourself with our Nursery setting and routines.

Funding and Nursery Session Times

Children can start Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. All parents are entitled to 15 hours funded childcare. Some parents are entitled to 30 hours funded childcare. We offer flexible funded sessions from 7.30am - 5.30pm which can include Wrap Around Care before or after school based around your childcare requirements.

For further information regarding funding and what you're entitled to, please click on the link following link - Childcare choices

Full Nursery day 8.50am - 3.15pm

Morning Nursery session 8.50am - 12.00pm

Afternoon Nursery session 12.00pm - 3.15pm 

Additional sessions can be booked at the cost of £12.00 per session. 


Children are welcome to have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. School meals are £2.10 per day. The dinner menus are under parent information on the school website.

If you would like to come and look around our nursery, please contact the school office on 01706 813163 or via email